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This is a list of settled Anglish names for stows.

See the Anglish Wordbook for a full list of settled Anglish words and proper nouns.


Names of man-made stows (lands, riches, steads) and their folknames and ekerly shapes.

Affer ᛫ an African ᛫ N(P) affer ME
Africk ᛫ Africa ᛫ N(P) Affrīk&Affrica ME&OE‹I
Albania ᛫ Albania ᛫ N(P) ~ NE or: Albany
Albanish Albanisc ᛫ Albanian language ᛬ Albanian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) ~ NE
Alexandry Alexandrie ᛫ the city of Alexandria ᛫ N(P) Alexandria ME‹I
Algeria ᛫ Algeria ᛫ N(P) ~ NE G as in GOAT not as in GEORGE ᛫ or: Algery
Algerish Algerisc ᛫ Algerian ᛫ AJ(P) ~ NE G as in GOAT not as in GEORGE
Almannish Almannisc ᛫ Alemannic speech ᛬ Alemannic ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) all+man+ish NEx3 calque: Alemannisch
America ᛫ America ᛫ N(P) ~ NE‹O or: Americk
Americkish Americkisc ᛫ American ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) America+ish NE‹O+NE
Amsterdam ᛫ the city of Amsterdam ᛫ N(P) Amsterdam NL or: Ampsterdam
Arabish Arabisc ᛫ Arabia ᛫ N(P) Arabish[Arabisċ] ME‹OE‹O
Araby Arabie ᛫ Arabia ᛫ N(P) Arabī[Arabia] ME‹OE‹O
Armeny Armenie ᛫ Armenia ᛫ N(P) armenīe/armany/armonye ME or: Hayastan ᛫ should rhyme with ‘harmony’?
Asey Aseg ᛫ Asia ᛫ N(P) Assye [Asia] ME‹O rhyme: crazy
Assyrish Assyrisc ᛫ Assyrian ᛫ AJ(P) assyrisċ OE
Assyry Assyrie ᛫ Assyria ᛫ N(P) assyria OE
Attle Attel ᛫ Lazio ? ᛫ Italy ? ᛫ N(P) Eatol OE kin: Italy
Attler Atteler ᛫ a Latin ? ᛫ an Italian ? ᛫ N(P) Eatolƿare OE
Australish Australisc ᛫ Australian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Australia+ish NE‹I+NE or: New Hollander; New Hollish
Australy Australie ᛫ Australia ᛫ N(P) ~ NE‹I or: New Holland
Babilon ᛫ Babylon ᛫ N(P) Babilōn OE
Babilony Babilonie ᛫ Babylonia ᛫ N(P) Babilony ME or: Babylony (from variant)
Balt ᛫ a speaker of a Baltic language ᛫ a Lithuanian ᛫ a Latvian ᛫ N(P) ~ NE‹O
Baltland ᛫ the Baltic states ᛫ the Baltic land region ᛫ N(P) Balt+land NE‹O+NE
Baskon ᛫ a Basque person ᛫ N(P) Baskọ̄n ME‹I Basque is a reborrowing?
Baskonland ᛫ Basque Country ᛫ N(P) Baskọ̄n+land ME+NE calque: Baskenland
Bayer Bager ᛫ a Bavarian ᛫ N(P) Bægerum OE
Bayerland Bagerland ᛫ Bavaria ᛫ N(P) Bægerum+land OE+NE
Beheem ᛫ a Bohemian ᛫ N(P) behēmas{bēme} OE
Beheemland ᛫ Bohemia ᛫ N(P) behēmas+land OE+NE
Belgia ᛫ Belgium ᛫ N(P) België NL G as in GOAT not as in GEORGE ᛫ or: Belgy
Bernick ᛫ the Bernicians ᛫ N(P) Beornice OE‹C?
Bernickrich Bernickric ᛫ the Kingdom of Bernicia ᛫ N(P) Beornice Rīce OE‹C?+OE‹C
Black Sheep Turkmen Sceep ᛫ Qara Qoyunlu ᛬ Kara Koyunlu ᛫ N(P) Black Sheep Turkomans NE
Boleyn ᛫ the city of Bologna ᛫ N(P) Boleyn ME or: Bolain; Baloney
Breslaw Breslaƿ ᛫ Wrocław ( city in Poland ) ᛫ N(P) Breslau ANE‹HG‹O
Britten ᛫ Britain ᛫ Britannia ᛫ N(P) bryten OE‹C
Britteny Brittenie ᛫ Brittany ᛫ N(P) bryten+y OE‹C+NE
Brittish Brittisc ᛫ British ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) brettisċ OE
Britwales Britƿales ᛫ Britons ( pre-Anglo-Saxon ) ᛫ Celtic Brits ( as opposed to Anglo-Brits ) ᛫ N(P) bretƿalas/brytƿalas OE
Britwelsh Britƿelsc ᛫ Brythonic language ᛬ Brythonic ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) bretƿilisċ OE
Bronding ᛫ one of the Brondings ᛫ someone from Brännö in Sweden ᛫ N(P) Brondingum&Brondingas OE
Bulger ᛫ a Bulgarian ᛫ N(P) Bulgarisċ OE or: Pulger (from OE Pulgare)
Bulgery Bulgerie ᛫ Bulgaria ᛫ N(P) Bulgaria ME or: Pulgery
Bytown Bitune ᛫ the city of Ottawa ᛫ N(P) ~ NE ceased to be official name in 1854, remains a popular nickname
Callice Callis ᛫ Calais ( city in France ) ᛫ N(P) ANE ME
Cartain ᛫ Carthage ᛫ N(P) Cartaina OE‹O
Chuanaland Ceuanaland ᛫ Lesotho ᛫ N(P) Bechuanaland ANE‹O old colonial name
Chinish Cinisc ᛫ Chinese ᛫ N(P) Chinish ANE [LEX]
Coleyn ᛫ the city of Cologne ᛫ N(P) Coleyn ME or: Colain
Cornish Cornisc ᛫ Cornish language ᛬ Cornish ᛫ Cornubian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) ~ NE or: Cornwelsh; Westwelsh (from OE Ƿestƿealas)
Cornwales Cornƿales ᛫ Cornishmen ᛫ N(P) cornƿealas OE or: Cornishman; Westƿale (from OE Ƿestƿealas)
Cornwall Cornƿall ᛫ Cornubia ᛫ N(P) cornƿealas OE or: Westwales; Cornwales
Corsick ᛫ Corsica ᛫ N(P) Corsicam OE‹I or: Corsica
Cossack ᛫ a Cossack ᛫ Kazakh language [ᚹ] ᛬ Kazakh [ᚹ] ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) ~ NE kin: Kazakh
Cossackstan ᛫ Kazakhstan [ᚹ] ᛫ N(P) Cossack+stan NEx2 kin: Kazakhstan
Crackow Crackue ᛫ the city of Kraków ᛫ N(P) cracow ME‹O
Crete ᛫ Crete ᛫ Cretan wine ᛫ N(P) Crete&Crēte NE&ME or: Creet
Croatish Croatisc ᛫ Croatian ᛫ AJ(P) Croat+ish NE+NE
Cumberland ᛫ Cumbria ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Dantwich Dantƿic ᛫ Gdańsk ( city in Poland ) ᛫ Danzig ᛫ N(P) Danzig ANE‹HG‹O or: Danskin
Damask ᛫ Damascus ᛫ a kind of cloth from Damascus ᛫ N(P) damask ME‹I?‹O
Den ᛫ a Dane ᛫ N(P) Dene OE or: Deen?
Denlaw Denlaƿ ᛫ the region in Britain which was governed by Danish law ᛫ the Danelaw ᛫ N(P) denelage OE
Denmark ᛫ Denmark ᛫ N(P) ~ NE or: Denmarch
Dennish Dennisc ᛫ Danish language ᛬ Danish ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Dennish[Denisc] OE or: Dench (from variant)
Deprobane ᛫ Sri Lanka ᛫ Ceylon ᛫ Taprobana ᛫ N(P) Dēprobane OE
Der ᛫ a Deirian ᛫ N(P) Dere OE‹C
Derrich Derric ᛫ the Kingdom of Deria ᛫ N(P) Dera rīce OE‹(C+C)
Dominica ᛫ Dominica ᛫ N(P) ~ NE‹O+NE or: Dominick
Dutch Duc ᛫ the Dutch language ᛫ mainland West Germanic language ᛬ of the Netherlands ᛫ of mainland West Germanic ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Dū̆che ME‹LG‹NL
Dutchland Ducland ᛫ the part of Europe where continental West Germanic languages are spoken ᛫ N(P) Dū̆chelōnd ME‹LG‹NL
Ealand ᛫ Åland ᛫ N(P) ea+land ME+NE calque: Åland
East, the þe ᛫ the Orient ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
East Englerich Engelric ᛫ the Kingdom of East Anglia ᛫ N(P) ēast Engla Rīce OE or: East Engles
East Timor ᛫ East Timor ᛫ Timor-Leste ᛫ N(P) ~ NE‹(E+O)
Easterling ᛫ a native of the Hanseatic region of the Netherlands , Northern Germany , and the Baltic coast ᛫ N(P) ēsterling ME
Easterner ᛫ an Oriental ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Eastrich Eastric ᛫ Austria ᛫ N(P) estrich ME
Egypt ᛫ Egypt ᛫ N(P) egipte[egypt] ME G as in GOAT not as in GEORGE
Egyptish Egyptisc ᛫ Egyptian ᛫ AJ(P) egiptish ME G as in GOAT not as in GEORGE
Elpsbone Shore Score ᛫ Côte d'Ivoire ᛫ Ivory Coast ᛫ N(P) elpes bon+shore ME+NE calque: Ivory Coast
Elsinore ᛫ Helsingør ( city in Denmark ) ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
England ᛫ England ᛫ N(P) Engla land OE
Engledom Engeldom ᛫ the Anglosphere ᛫ the domain of Englishness ᛫ N(P) Engle+dom ME+NE
Englekin Engelkin ᛫ the English people ᛫ N(P) Angelcynn OE
Engles Engels ᛫ Anglos ᛫ Englishmen ᛫ N(P) Engles ME singular form not attested?
Englesax Engelsax ᛫ an Anglo-Saxon ᛫ Anglo-Saxon ᛫ N(P):AJ(P) Engle + Sax NE Calque: Anglo-Saxon
Englesex Engelsex ᛫ the land of the Anglo-Saxons ᛫ N(P) Engle + Sax NE Compare places like Sussex
Engley Engelie ᛫ Anglic ᛫ AJ(P) englelīc OE
Estish Estisc ᛫ Estonian language ᛬ Estonian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Est+ish OE+NE
Estland ᛫ Estonia ᛫ N(P) Estland{ēstland} NL
Ethiopy Eþiopie ᛫ Ethiopia ᛫ N(P) ethiopy/Ethiopie ME
Europe ᛫ Europe ᛫ N(P) ~ NE‹I
Europish Europisc ᛫ European ᛫ AJ(P) Europe+ish NE‹I+NE
Everwich Eferƿic ᛫ York ᛫ N(P) everwich ME‹OE‹C less Norse variant of ‘York’
Everwichshire Eferƿicscire ᛫ Yorkshire ᛫ N(P) everwich shire ME‹OE‹C or: Everwicher (shortened); Everwisher
Faroe Islands, the Ilands, þe ᛫ the Faroe Islands ᛫ N(P) Faroe Islands NE‹N
Faroish Faroisc ᛫ the Faroese language ᛬ Faroese ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) ~ NE‹N
Feenish Feenisc ᛫ Phoenician language ᛬ Phoenician ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Syrofēnisc{φοῖνιξ} OE
Feenishman Feeniscman ᛫ a Phoenician ᛫ N(P) Syrofēnisc+man OE+NE
Feenland Feenland ᛫ Phoenicia ᛫ N(P) Syrofēnisc+land OE+NE
Finn ᛫ a Finn ᛫ N(P) Finn OE
Finnish Finnisc ᛫ the Finnish language ᛬ Finnish ᛫ N(P):AJ(P) ~ NE
Finnland ᛫ Lapland ᛫ Finland ᛫ N(P) Finna land OE
Finnsheddeny Finnceddenie ᛫ Fennoscania ᛫ N(P) Finn+Sċedeniġ OEx2 calque: Fennoscandia
Frank ᛫ a Frenchman ᛫ a Frank ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Frankdom ᛫ the Francosphere ᛫ the domain of Frenchness ᛫ N(P) Frank+dom NEx2
Frankford ᛫ the city of Frankfurt ᛫ N(P) frank+fort NE calque
Frankland ᛫ France ᛫ N(P) francland OE
Frankrich Frankric ᛫ France ( the state not the land ) ᛫ N(P) francrice OE
Frily Frilie ᛫ Venusian ᛫ Venutian ᛫ AJ(P) fry+ly ME+NE
Frise ᛫ a Frisian ᛫ N(P) frīse{Frysa/Fresna} ME or: Freese; Fris
Friseland ᛫ Frisia ᛫ N(P) Frī̆slō̆nd{Freslond} ME or: Freeseland; Frisland
Frish Frisc ᛫ the Frisian language ᛬ Frisian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Frysisċ OE or: Freesh ᛫ the ‹i› should likely be /ɪ/ (analogy: ƿýscan › wish)
Fry Frie ᛫ an English goddess equivalent to Norse Frigg ᛫ the planet Venus [ᚹ] ᛫ N(P) Frie/Frye ME or: Frie
Gaelish Gaelisc ᛫ Gaelic language ( Irish Scottish and Manx ) ᛫ Goidelic language ᛬ Gaelic ᛫ Goidelic ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Gael+ish NE‹C+NE
Gallish Gallisc ᛫ Gaulish language ᛬ Gaulish ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) gallisċ OE or: Gallwelsh
Gallwales Gallƿales ᛫ the Celts of Gaul ᛫ Gaul ᛫ Gallia ᛫ N(P) galƿalas OE or: Galland
Gascon Gaskon ᛫ a native of Gascony ᛫ wine from Gascony ᛬ of Gascony ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) ~[gascoine][gascon] NE
Gilbert Islands, The Ilands, Þe ᛫ Kiribati ᛫ N(P) ~ ANE‹O old colonial name ᛫ or: Ilsbert Islands (English cognate)
Glom ᛫ one of the Lemovii people ᛫ N(P) Glommum OE
Got ᛫ a Goth ᛫ N(P) Gota OE
Gotland ᛫ the land of the Goths ᛫ N(P) Gotland OE
Gottish Gottisc ᛫ the Gothic tongue ᛬ Gothic ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Gotisċ OE
Great Britten ᛫ Great Britain ᛫ N(P) great+bryten NE+OE‹C
Greek ᛫ a Greek ᛫ N(P) ~[Grēcas] NE or: Creek (from Crēacas)
Greekland ᛫ Greece ᛫ N(P) Grēcland OE or: Creekland
Greenland ᛫ Greenland ᛫ AJ(P) ~ NE
Greenlandish Greenlandisc ᛫ Greenlandic language ᛬ Greenlandic ᛫ N(P):AJ(P) Greenland+ish NE+NE
Halsing ᛫ one of the Hälsings ᛫ N(P) Hælsingum OE
Hatwere Hatƿere ᛫ one of the Chattuarii ( a sub-group of the Franks ? ) ᛫ N(P) Hætƿerum OE
Hebreish Hebreisc ᛫ Hebrew speech ᛬ Hebrew ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) hebrēisċ OE or: Ebresh (from variant)
Holmrye ᛫ one of the Rugii ᛫ N(P) Holmrygum OE
Hounding Hunding ᛫ one of the Hundings ᛫ N(P) Hūndings OE
Hown Hune ᛫ a Hun ᛫ N(P) Hūnas OE
Hungery Hungerie ᛫ Hungaria ᛫ Hungary ᛫ N(P) Hungerie OE or: Ungerland (OE alternative)
Iceland Iseland ᛫ Iceland ᛫ N(P) Iceland NE
Icelandish Iselandisc ᛫ Icelandic language ᛬ Icelandic ᛫ N(P):AJ(P) Iceland+ish NEx2
Imber ᛫ one of the Ambrones ᛫ N(P) Ymbrum OE
Indish Indisc ᛫ Indian speech ᛬ Indian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Ī̆ndish ME‹O
Indonesia ᛫ Indonesia ᛫ N(P) ~ NE or: Indonesy
Indy Indie ᛫ India ᛫ N(P) Ī̆nde/Yndee ME‹O
Iraq Irack ᛫ Iraq ᛫ N(P) Iraq NE‹O
Ires ᛫ Irishmen ᛫ N(P) irās OE singular form not attested?
Island of Man, the Iland, þe ᛫ the Isle of Man ᛫ N(P) island+of+man NEx3 or: Man
Israelish Israelisc ᛫ Israeli ᛫ Israelite ᛫ AJ(P) Israēlisċ OE
Ist ᛫ one of the Aesti ᛫ N(P) Istum OE
Italish Italisc ᛫ Italian language; Italian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Italy+ish NEx2
Italy Italie ᛫ Italy ᛫ N(P) Italia NE‹OE‹I
Leeden ᛫ Latin speech ᛬ Latin ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) lēden[lǣden/lēden] ME
Leenridge Leenricg • the Lion Mountains • Sierra Leone [ᚹ] • N(P) lēo+en+ridge OE+NEx2 calque: Sierra Leone
Lett ᛫ a Latvian ᛫ N(P) ~ NE‹HG‹O
Lettland ᛫ Latvia ᛫ N(P) ~ NE‹HG‹O
Lettow Lettoƿ ᛫ Lithuania ? ᛫ N(P) Lettow ME‹?
Londonbury Lundonberrie ᛫ the City of London ᛫ N(P) Lundenbyrig OE
Longbeard ᛫ a Lombard ᛫ N(P) langbeard OE
Mackedony Mackedonie ᛫ Macedonia ᛫ Macedon ᛫ N(P) mæcedonie OE
Mannish Mannisc ᛫ Manx language ᛬ Manx ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Man+ish NE‹C+NE calque: Manx ᛫ or: Mennish (from variant), Mensh
Marklaw Marklaƿ ᛫ the region in Britain which was governed by Mercian law ᛫ N(P) merchinelaga OE
Markrich Markric ᛫ Mercia ᛫ N(P) Merkyneriche[Miercna Rīce] ME or: Mark (ME Merce); March (ME Merce)
Merchish Mercisc ᛫ the Mercian tongue ᛬ Mercian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Marchisce ME or: Merch
Merchishman Merciscman ᛫ a Mercian ᛫ N(P) Merces ME plural: Marks; Markishmen ᛫ or: Merchman
Midyard Midgeard ᛫ Earth ᛫ Midgard ᛫ Middle Earth ᛫ N(P) middangeard OE ‘Middle Earth’ is a corruption of a corruption of Middangeard
Moldova ᛫ Moldova ᛫ N(P) Moldova I or: Moldovy; Moldove
Mongolia ᛫ Mongolia ᛫ N(P) Mongolia NE or: Mongoly
Moorland ᛫ Mauritania ᛫ N(P) Moor+land NE‹O+NE or: Mauritany
Morningland ᛫ the Orient ᛫ the Far East ᛫ N(P) ~ NE poetic?
Morningstar, the þe ᛫ planet Venus ᛫ N ~ NE
Munich Munic ᛫ the city of München ᛫ N(P) München NE‹HG or: Minchen (English cognate)
Netherfrankish Neþerfrankisc ᛫ Low Franconian ᛫ N(P) nether+Frank+ish NEx3 calque: Niederfränkisch
Netherlander Neþerlander ᛫ one from the Netherlands ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Netherlandish Neþerlandisc ᛫ the Dutch language ᛫ of the Dutch ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) ~ NE
Netherlands, the Neþerlands, þe ᛫ the Netherlands ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
New England Neƿ ᛫ New England ᛫ N(P) Nīƿe Englaland OE
New Everwich Neƿ Eferƿic ᛫ New York City ᛫ New York state ᛫ N(P) new+everwich NE+ME calque: New York
New Sealand Neƿ ᛫ New Zealand ᛫ N(P) new+sea+land NEx3 calque: Nieuw-Zeeland
New Scotland Neƿ Skotland ᛫ Nova Scotia ᛫ New Caledonia ᛫ N(P) new+Scotland NEx2 calque: Nova Scotia
Newyard Neƿgeard ᛫ Novgorod ᛫ N(P) new+yard NEx2 calque: Но́вгород
Norman ᛫ Norman ᛫ AJ(P) Norman OE‹OF from Old French Normant
Normandy Normandie ᛫ Normandy ᛫ N(P) Normandiġ OE‹OF from Old French Normendie
Nornish Nornisc ᛫ the Norwegian language ᛬ Norwegian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Norenish/Nornisce{Noreine} ME
Nornishman Norniscman ᛫ a Norwegian ᛫ N(P) Noreinisce men ME or: Norn (from backformation)
North Mackedony Norþ Mackedonie ᛫ North Macedonia ᛫ N(P) north+mæcedonie NE+OE
Northish Norþisc ᛫ Nordic ᛫ AJ(P) ~ NE
Northman Norþman ᛫ a Norseman ( a Dane , a Swede , a Norwegian , an Icelander , et cetera ) ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Northmannish Norþmannisc ᛫ Norse language ᛬ Norse ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) ~ NE
Northumber Norþumber ᛫ Northumbria ᛫ the Northumbrians ᛫ N(P) Norþhymbre OE‹(E+C)
Northumberrich Norþumberric ᛫ the Kingdom of Northumbria ᛫ N(P) Norþanhymbra rīce OE‹(E+C+C)
Northumbrish Norþumbrisc ᛫ the Northumbrian tongue ᛬ Northumbrian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Norþhymbrisċ OE‹(E+C+E)
Norwales Norƿales ᛫ Wales ᛫ Cambria ᛫ Welshmen ᛫ N(P) norþƿalas OE or: Cymru; Camberland (calque of Cambria)
Norway Norƿag ᛫ Norway ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Norwelsh Norƿelsc ᛫ Welsh language ᛬ Welsh ᛫ Cambrian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) norþƿalas+ish OE+NE see: Welsh ᛫ or: Cymraeg
Oned Kingdom, the þe ᛫ the United Kingdom ᛫ N(P) oned+kingdom NE
Oned States, the þe ᛫ the United States ᛫ N(P) oned+states NE+NE‹I
Perse ᛫ a Persian ᛫ N(P) Perse{Persēas} OE
Perseland ᛫ Iran ᛫ Persia ᛫ N(P) Perselone ME
Persish Persisc ᛫ Persian ᛫ AJ(P) Persisċ OE or: Persh (shortened)
Pight Pigt ᛫ a Pict ᛫ N(P) peohtas OE
Pommerland ᛫ the region of Pomerania ᛫ N(P) pommerland ME‹HG
Portingale ᛫ Portugal ᛫ N(P) Portingāle ME‹I
Portingalish Portingalisc ᛫ Portugese language ᛬ Portugese ᛫ N(P):AJ(P) Portingāle+ish ME‹I+NE
Porto Rico ᛫ Puerto Rico ᛫ N(P) ~ ANE or: Richport (calque)
Posen Posen ᛫ Poznań ( city in Poland ) ᛫ N(P) Poznan ANE‹HG‹O
Pounick Punick ᛫ a Carthaginian ᛫ N(P) Pūnice{φοῖνιξ} OE
Pruce Preƿs ᛫ Prussia ᛫ N(P) Prūssia ME‹I or: Spruce (from variant); Pruss
Rainsbury Ragnsberrie ᛫ the city of Regensburg ᛫ N(P) Regnesburh OE
Red Russland ᛫ Red Ruthenia ᛫ N(P) red+russland NEx2‹O calque: Red Russia
Reemish Reemisc ᛫ Roman ᛫ AJ(P) Rēmisċ OE
Rich Shore Ric Score ᛫ Costa Rica ᛫ N(P) rich+shore NE+NE calque: Costa Rica
Rinish Rinisc ᛫ Rhenish ᛫ AJ(P) Rīnish ME
Romany Romanie ᛫ Romania ᛫ Rumania ᛫ N(P) România I
Ronding ᛫ one of the Reudigni ᛫ N(P) Rondingum OE
Rone ᛫ Rouen ( city in Normandy ) ᛫ N(P) Rọ̄ne ME
Room ᛫ the city of Rome ᛫ N(P) Rōme/Room[Rōme] ME
Roomanish Roomanisc ᛫ Roman ᛫ AJ(P) Rōmānisċ OE
Roomany Roomanie ᛫ the Roman Empire ᛫ N(P) Rōmā̆nīe ME
Roomer ᛫ a Roman ( one who lives in the city of Rome ) ᛫ N(P) Rōmƿaran OE
Rothem Roþem ᛫ Rouen ( city in Normandy ) ᛫ N(P) Roþem OE From the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, alternative to Rone
Russish Russisc ᛫ Russian ᛫ N(P) ~ AJ(P) or: Rush (shortened)
Russland ᛫ Russia ᛫ N(P) ~ NE‹O or: Russy; Muscovy
Sandwich Islands, The Sandƿic Ilands, Þe ᛫ The Hawai‘ian Islands ᛬ Hawaii ᛫ N(P) ~ ANE old colonial name
Saraken ᛫ a Muslim ᛫ N(P) saracene OE‹I‹H‹? kin: Saracen
Sarakennish Sarakennisc ᛫ Muslim ᛫ AJ(P) saracenisċ OE‹I‹H‹?
Sardin ᛫ Sardinian language ᛬ Sardinian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Sardinie OE‹I
Sardinny ᛫ Sardinia ᛫ N(P) Sardinia OE‹I
Sarmondish Sarmundisc ᛫ Sarmatian language ᛬ Sarmatian ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Sarmondisċ OE or: Sarmonsh (shortened)
Sarmondland Sarmundland ᛫ Sarmatia ᛫ N(P) Sarmondisc+land OE+NE
Saudi Araby Arabie ᛫ Saudi Arabia ᛫ N(P) Saudi+Arabī NE‹O+ME‹O
Sax ᛫ a Saxon ᛫ N(P) Seaxe OE PL: Saxes; Saxen (older form)
Saxish Saxisc ᛫ Saxon language ᛬ of the Saxons ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) ~[Seaxisc] ME
Sclave Sclafe ᛫ a Slav ᛫ N(P) Sclā̆ve ME‹I ‘Slav’ was a reborrowing?
Scotland Skotland ᛫ Scotland ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Sealand ᛫ Zeeland ( province in the Netherlands) ᛫ Zealand ( island in Denmark known natively as “Sjælland” ) ᛫ N(P) sea+land NEx2
Serbish Serbisc ᛫ Serbian ᛫ AJ(P) Serb+ish NE+NE
Serick ᛫ China ? ᛫ N(P) Serica OE‹I‹H
Sering ᛫ a Chinese person ? ᛫ N(P) Seringum OE‹I‹H of note: Σῆρες; Serica
Sevenburies Sefenberries ᛫ Transylvania ᛫ N(P) seven+bury NE calque: Zevenburgen; Siebenbürgen
Sheddeny Sceddenie ᛫ Scandinavia ᛫ Scandia ᛫ N(P) Sċedeniġ OE kin: Scandinavia
Shedland Scedland ᛫ Scania ᛫ Scandinavia [ᚹ] ᛫ N(P) Scedeland OE
Shith Sciþ ᛫ a Scythian ᛫ an Ossetian ᛫ N(P) Sciþþeas OE
Shithish Sciþisc ᛫ Scythian language ( Ossetian language by extention ) ᛬ Scythian ( Ossetian by extention ) ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Sciþþisċ OE
Shridfinn Scridfinn ᛫ a Laplander ᛫ a Sami person ᛫ a Lapp ᛫ N(P) Scridefinnas OE
Sickilish Sickilisc ᛫ Sicilian ᛫ AJ(P) Sicilisċ OE‹I
Sickily Sickilie ᛫ Sicily ᛫ N(P) Sicilia OE‹I
Sile ᛫ the Sun ᛫ Sol ᛫ N(P) sigel OE
Siler ᛫ a Nubian ᛫ an Ethiopian ᛫ a Cushite ᛫ N(P) sigelƿara OE
Silerland ᛫ Nubia ᛫ Ethiopia ᛫ Cush ᛫ N(P) sigelƿara+land OE+NE
Shittish Scittisc ᛫ Scots language ᛬ Scottish ᛫ Scotch ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) sċyttisċ OE or: Shitch ᛫ see: Scotland
South Africk Suþe Africk ᛫ South Africa ᛫ N(P) south+Affrica NE+OE‹I
South Africkish Suþe Africkisc ᛫ South African ᛫ Afrikaans [ᚹ] ᛫ N(P):AJ(P) south+Affrica NE+OE‹I
Southumber Suþumber ᛫ Southumbria ᛫ the Southumbrians ᛫ N(P) Sūþanhymbre OE‹(E+C)
Southumberrich Suþumberric ᛫ the Kingdom of Southumbria ( Mercia ? ) ᛫ N(P) Sūþanhymbre rīce OE‹(E+C+C)
Spanish Spanisc ᛫ Spanish language ᛬ Spanish ᛫ Hispanic ᛫ N(P):AJ(P) ispānisċ OE‹(I+E) see: Spany
Spanishman Spaniscman ᛫ a Spaniard ᛫ N(P) ispānisc+man OE‹(I+E)+NE
Spany Spanie ᛫ Spain ᛫ N(P) ispania OE‹I
Statin Statin ᛫ Szczecin ( city in Poland ) ᛫ N(P) Stettin ANE‹HG‹O
Strackledwales Strackelledƿales ᛫ the Celts of Strathclyde ᛫ Strathclyde ᛫ N(P) stræcledƿalas OE
Strathclot Straþclot ᛫ the Kingdom of Strathclyde ᛫ N(P) Straþ-Clota OE‹C
Sunfield Sunfield ᛫ Elysium ᛫ N(P) sunnfeld OE
Surry Sirrie ᛫ Syria ᛫ N(P) Surry/Sirie ME‹O
Sutoland ᛫ Lesotho ᛫ N(P) Basutoland ANE‹O old colonial name
Swaziland Sƿasiland ᛫ Eswatini ᛫ N(P) ~ ANE‹O old colonial name
Sweave Sƿeaf ᛫ a Swabian ᛫ an Alamanni ᛫ N(P) Sƿǣfas OE
Sweaveland Sƿeafland ᛫ Swabia ᛫ Alamannia ᛫ Alemannia ᛫ N(P) Sƿǣfas+land OE+NE
Sweeland Sƿeeland ᛫ Sweden ᛫ N(P) Sƿeoland OE
Sweerich Sƿeeric ᛫ Sweden ( the state not the land ) ᛫ N(P) Sƿeorice OE
Switsish Sƿitsisc ᛫ Swiss ᛫ AJ(P) Switzer+ish NE×2
Sypress ᛫ Cyprus ᛫ N(P) Sypresse ME‹H
Tarse ᛫ Tharsia ( roughly Turkestan , Transoxiana ) ᛫ N(P) Tarse ME‹I?
Thile Þile ᛫ mythical land of Thule ᛫ N(P) þȳle OE
Thrace Þrase ᛫ Thrace ᛫ N(P) ~[Thrācia] NE‹O
Throwend Þroƿend ᛫ one of the Tronds ( a Norse people-group ) ? ᛫ N(P) þroƿende OE kin: Trondheim?
Thunder Þunder ᛫ ( an English god equivalent to Thor and equated with Jupiter ) ᛫ the planet Jupiter [ᚹ] ᛫ N(P) þunor[þuner] OE kin: "thunder"
Thunderly Þunderlie ᛫ Jovian ᛫ AJ(P) þunor+ly OE+NE
Thuring Þiring ᛫ one of the Thuringii ᛫ N(P) Þyringum OE
Thuringland Þiringland ᛫ Thuringia ᛫ N(P) Þyringum+land OE+NE
Tunisia ᛫ Tunisia ᛫ N(P):AJ(P) ~ NE or: Tunisy
Turkland ᛫ Turkey ᛫ Türkiye ᛫ N(P) turk+land NE ‘Turkey’ is Norman
Tye ᛫ an English god equivalent to Norse Tyr ᛫ the planet Mars [ᚹ] ᛫ N(P) tī{tig/tiig?} OE or: Tew (Cotton MS Cleopatra A III f.64r) ᛫ kin: Tuesday
Tyeling ᛫ a Martian ᛫ an inhabitant of Mars ᛫ N(P) tī+ling{earthling} OE+NE analogy: Earthling ᛫ or: Tyeman (analogy: Earthman)
Tyely Tyelie ᛫ Martian ᛫ AJ(P) tī+ly OE+NE
Ukraine Ucraine ᛫ Ukraine ᛫ N(P) ~ NE‹O or: Ocraine ᛫ IPA: /ʊkɹeɪn/ or /ukɹeɪn/
Ungerland ᛫ Hungaria ᛫ Hungary ᛫ N(P) Ungerland OE
Wale Ƿale ᛫ a Celt ᛫ N(P) ƿāle&ƿealh ME&OE shows up as wal- and -wall as an affix ᛫ or: Wallow
Walekin Ƿalekin ᛫ the Celtic people ᛫ N(P) ƿealhcyn OE
Waterley Ƿaterleg ᛫ Waterloo (Belgium) ᛫ N(P) water + lea NE calque
Warsaw Ƿarsaƿ ᛫ the city of Warszawa ᛫ N(P) NE ME‹O
Washington Ƿascingtun ᛫ the city of Washington, DC ᛫ Washington state ᛫ N(P) Hƿæssingatūn OE
Welsh Ƿelsc ᛫ Celtic language ᛬ Celtic ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) ƿelsh+ƿelisc ME+OE see: Norwelsh
Wendland Ƿendland ᛫ the country of the Wends ᛫ N(P) Ƿeonodland OE
Wendle Ƿendel ᛫ a Vandal ᛫ N(P) Wendel Sea NE
Wendle Sea Ƿendel ᛫ Mediterranean Sea ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Went Ƿent ᛫ the people of Gwent ᛫ N(P) ƿente{ƿentsǣte} OE
Wern Ƿern ᛫ one of the Varini or Varinnae ᛫ N(P) Ƿernum OE
Wessexlaw Ƿessexlaƿ ᛫ the region in Britain which was governed by West Saxon law ᛫ N(P) ƿestesaxene-lega OE
West, the Ƿest, þe ᛫ the Occident ᛫ N(P) ~
Western Ƿestern ᛫ Occidental ᛫ AJ(P) ~ NE
Westerner Ƿesterner ᛫ an Occidental ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Wetherland Ƿeþerland ᛫ Italy ᛫ N(P) wether+land NE calque: Italy
White Russland Hƿite ᛫ Belarus ᛫ N(P) white+Russ+land NEx2‹+NE calque: Беларусь ᛫ commonly calqued in Germanic languages
White Sheep Turkmen Hƿite Sceep ᛫ Aq Qoyunlu / Ak Koyunlu ᛫ N(P) White Sheep Turkomans NE
Whitches Hƿicces ᛫ the Anglo-Saxon people of Hwicce , a small state which extended over Gloucestershire , Worcestershire , and part of Warwickshire ᛫ N(P) Hƿiccas OE
Whitstow Hƿitstoƿ ᛫ Mount Lebanon ᛫ Lebanon (poetic) [ᚹ] ᛫ N(P) hƿītstōƿ OE
Wien Ƿien ᛫ Vienna ᛫ N(P) ~ HG or: Ween
Wight Island Ƿigt Iland ᛫ the Isle of Wight ᛫ N(P) Wight+island NEx2
Wind Ƿind ᛫ a Wend ᛫ a Sorb ᛫ N(P) Ƿinedas OE
Windland Ƿindland ᛫ the land of the Wends and Sorbs ᛫ Lusatia ᛫ N(P) Ƿeonodland OE
Wisland Ƿisland ᛫ a region in Poland around the Vistula ᛫ N(P) Ƿīsleland OE
Woing Ƿoing ᛫ one of the Vangiones ᛫ N(P) Ƿoingum OE
Wolfing Ƿulfing ᛫ one of the Wulfings ᛫ N(P) Ƿulfingum OE
Wooden Ƿooden ᛫ ( an English god equivalent to Norse Odin ) ᛫ the planet Mercury [ᚹ] ᛫ N(P) Wōden[wōden] ME found in: Woodnesborough ᛫ or: Weeden
Woodenly Ƿoodenlie ᛫ Mercurian ᛫ AJ(P) wooden+ly ME+NE
Yeat Geat ᛫ a Geat ᛫ N(P) gēat NE
Yeatish Geatisc ᛫ the Geatish language ᛬ of Geats ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) gēat+ish NEx2
Yeatland Geatland ᛫ Geatland ᛫ N(P) gēat+land NEx2
Yermanish Germanisc ᛫ Germanic speech ᛬ Germanic ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Germania+ish OE+NE
Yermany Germanie ᛫ Germania ᛫ N(P) Germania OE
Yew Geƿ ᛫ one of the Aviones ᛫ someone from Öland in Sweden ᛫ N(P) Eoƿum OE
Yewland Geƿland ᛫ Öland ᛫ N(P) Eowland OE
Yot Got ᛫ a Jute ᛫ N(P) Iotas OE
Yotland Gotland ᛫ Jutland ᛫ N(P) Eota land OE
Yottish Gottisc ᛫ the Jutish language ᛬ Jutish ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) iota+ish OE+NE
Youdish Geuƿdisc ᛫ Jewish speech ᛬ Jewish ᛫ Judean ᛫ N(P)᛬AJ(P) Jūdēish[Iūdēisc] ME‹I‹H‹O
Youdishman Geudiscman ᛫ a Jew ᛫ a Judean ᛫ N(P) Jūdēish+man ME+NE


Landlorely names, of kindly stows, such as hills, streams, and seas.

Albert Mere ᛫ Lake Albert ᛫ N(P) Albert+mere NEx2 or: Elbert Mere (English cognate of name)
Alve Alfe ᛫ the Elbe river ᛫ N(P) ælfe OE
Athabasca Mere ᛫ Lake Athabasca ᛫ N(P) Athabasca+mere NE‹O+NE
Baikal Mere ᛫ Lake Baikal ᛫ N(P) Baikal+mere NE‹O+NE
Baker Mere ᛫ Baker Lake ᛫ N(P) baker+mere NEx2
Balaton Mere ᛫ Balaton Lake ᛫ N(P) Balaton+mere NE‹O+NE
Balkash Mere Balkasc ᛫ Lake Balkhash ᛫ N(P) Balkhash+mere NE‹O+NE
Black Sea, the þe ᛫ the sea known to the Romans as Pontus ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Brittish Sea, the Brittisc, þe ᛫ the English Channel ᛫ N(P) Brittish se ME
Caspish Mere Caspisc ᛫ the Caspian Sea ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Clot ᛫ the river Clyde ᛫ N(P) Clota OE‹C
Donnow Donnue ᛫ the river Danube ᛫ N(P) Donua OE
Dubawnt Mere Dubaƿnt ᛫ Dubawnt Lake ᛫ N(P) Dubawnt+mere NE‹O+NE
East Sea, the þe ᛫ the Baltic ᛫ N(P) ōstsæ[ēst mere] OE kin: Oostzee (Dutch)
Erie Mere ᛫ Lake Erie ᛫ N(P) Erie+mere NE‹O+NE
Eufrate ᛫ the Euphrates ᛫ N(P) eufrate OE
Fiveldore Fifeldore ᛫ the Eider river ᛫ N(P) fīfeldōr OE
Gandes ᛫ the Ganges ᛫ N(P) gandis/gandes OE
Great Bear Mere ᛫ Great Bear Lake ᛫ N(P) great+bear+mere NEx3
Great Eastern Sea, the þe ᛫ the Pacific Ocean ᛫ N(P) great+eastern+sea NEx3 or: the Great Frithful Sea; the Great Frith Sea
Great Indish Sea, the Indisc, þe ᛫ the Indian Ocean ᛫ N(P) great+Ī̆ndish+sea NEx3
Great Meres, the þe ᛫ the Great Lakes ᛫ N(P) great+meres NEx2
Great Northern Sea, the Norþern, þe ᛫ the Arctic Ocean ᛫ N(P) great+northern+sea NEx3
Great Salt Mere ᛫ Great Salt Lake ᛫ N(P) great+salt+mere NEx3
Great Southern Sea, the Suþern, þe ᛫ the Antarctic Ocean ᛫ N(P) great+southern+sea NEx3
Great Thew Mere Þeƿ ᛫ Great Slave Lake ᛫ N(P) great+thew+mere NEx3
Great Western Sea, the Ƿestern, þe ᛫ the Atlantic Ocean ᛫ N(P) great+western+sea NEx3 calque: Great Western Ocean ᛫ or: the Great Atlantish Sea
Hallow Jean Mere Halloƿ ᛫ Lac Saint-Jean ᛫ N(P) hallow+Jean+mere NEx2‹I+NE
Hellmere ᛫ the river Styx ᛫ N(P) hellemere OE
Huron Mere ᛫ Lake Huron ᛫ N(P) Huron+mere NE‹O+NE
Iliamna Mere ᛫ Iliamna Lake ᛫ N(P) Iliamna+mere NE‹O+NE
Ladoga Mere ᛫ Lake Ladoga ᛫ N(P) Ladoga+mere NE‹O+NE
Lyer ᛫ Loire ( river in France ) ᛫ N(P) ligore OE
Malawi Mere ᛫ Lake Malawi ᛫ N(P) Malawi+mere NE‹O+NE
Manitoba Mere ᛫ Lake Manitoba ᛫ N(P) Manitoba+mere NE‹O+NE
Michigan Mere ᛫ Lake Michigan ᛫ N(P) Michigan+mere NE‹O+NE
Mistassini Mere ᛫ Lac Mistassini ᛫ N(P) Mistassini+mere NE‹O+NE
Nettilling Mere ᛫ Nettilling Lake ᛫ N(P) Nettilling+mere NE‹O+NE
Nicaragua Mere ᛫ Lake Nicaragua ᛫ N(P) Nicaragua+mere NE‹O+NE
Nipigon Mere ᛫ Lake Nipigon ᛫ N(P) Nipigon+mere NE‹O+NE
Nornish Sea, the Nornisc, þe ᛫ the Norwegian Sea ᛫ N(P) norenish+sea ME+NE calque: Norwegian Sea
Onega Mere ᛫ Lake Onega ᛫ N(P) Onega+mere NE‹O+NE
Ontario Mere ᛫ Lake Ontario ᛫ N(P) Ontario+mere NE‹O+NE
Red Sea, the þe ᛫ the sea between Arabia and Africa ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Rine ᛫ the Rhine river ᛫ N(P) Rīne ME
Roan Mere ᛫ Reindeer Lake ᛫ N(P) reindeer+mere NE‹N+NE
Sevan Mere ᛫ Sevan Lake ᛫ N(P) Sevan+mere NE‹O+NE
Sine ᛫ Seine ( river in France ) ᛫ N(P) Sigen OE from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
South Sea, the Suþe, þe ᛫ the English Channel ᛫ N(P) sǒuth sē [suþsæ] OE
Stony Barrows, the Stonie Barroƿs, þe ᛫ the Rocky Mountains ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Tahoe Mere ᛫ Lake Tahoe ᛫ N(P) Tahoe+mere NE‹O+NE
Tanganyika Mere ᛫ Lake Tanganyika ᛫ N(P) Tanganyika+mere NE‹O+NE
Tems, the þe ᛫ the Thames ᛫ N(P) Temese/Temze ME
Titicaca Mere ᛫ Lake Titicaca ᛫ N(P) Titicaca+mere NE‹O+NE
Toba Mere ᛫ Lake Toba ᛫ N(P) Toba+mere NE‹O+NE
Turkana Mere ᛫ Lake Turkana ᛫ N(P) Turkana+mere NE‹O+NE
Welsh Sea, the þe Ƿelsc, þe ᛫ the Celtic Sea ᛫ N(P) Welsh+sea NEx2 calque: Celtic Sea
White Sea, the Hƿite, þe ᛫ the sea between the Kola Peninsula and the rest of Russia ᛫ N(P) ~ NE
Winnipeg Mere Ƿinnipegg ᛫ Lake Winnipeg ᛫ N(P) Winnipeg+mere NE‹O+NE
Wisle Ƿisel ᛫ the Vistula river ᛫ N(P) Ƿīsle OE
Yellow Sea, the Gelloƿ, þe ᛫ the sea between Korea and China ᛫ N(P) ~ NE