
From The Anglish (Anglisc) Wiki

This is an Anglish way to read Twelvish rimes. Twelvish (Dozenal, Duodecimal, or Uncial) is a way of reckoning with twelve as its grounding instead of ten. We brook Twelvish reckoning in many bits of our lives today, from our reckoning of the stounds in a day, or marks in a wheel. You can also find Twelvish in J.R.R. Tolkien's made-up Elvish tongue Sindarin, from The Lord of the Rings. For more knowledge on Twelvish, see the Wikipedia writ, or the following clip from Numberphile. For Anglish measurements, see Anglish Twelvish Metings.

The Rimes

All rimes in this writ are in twelvish.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B 10
Nought One Two Three Four Five Six Seven (or Sev)1 Eight Nine Ten2 Eleven (or Elve)3 Twelve4
11 12 13 14 15 16
One and Twelve5 Two and Twelve Three and Twelve Four and Twelve Five and Twelve Six and Twelve
17 18 19 1A 1B 20
Sev(en) and Twelve Eight and Twelve Nine and Twelve Ten and Twelve El(e)ve(n) and Twelve Twentel
10 20 30 40 50 60
Twelve6 Twentel7,8 Thirtel8 Fortel8 Fiftel8 Sixtel
70 80 90 A0 B0 100
Seftel9 Eightel Ninetel Tentel Elftel9 One TelredA
103 106 109 1010 1013 1016
OnethouB Twenthou Thirthou Forthou Fifthou Sixthou
1019 1020 1023 1026 1029 1030
Sefthou Eightthou Ninethou Tenthou Elfthou Twelfthou
10-3 10-6 10-9 10-10 10-13 10-16
OnethouthB Twenthouth Thirthouth Forthouth Fifthouth Sixthouth

The adverbial rimes would read as:
once, twice, thrice, force, fifce, sixce, sefce, eighce, nince, tence, elfce, twelfce.


1. A bytonguely shape of "seven" can be read as "sev". See the North Germanic tongues. The goal here is to keep all the main rimes to one staveset.

2. No need to bework "ten" as "dek". It stands well on its own.

3. Eleven can be shortened like its sister word, "twelve". Shortened further from the Old English shape which was "one left [from ten]".

4. Twelve also stands well as it is. It's short from "two left [from ten]". Eleven and Twelve are leftovers from when the Germanic folks had some shape of twelvish telling way.

5. The -teen (meaning: "of ten") endfastening is swapped out for the standalone "Twelve" word and set. The 'teen' rime names are also made to be more steady with the rest of the sets. So, 14 = four and twelve; 24 four and twentel; 34 = four and thirtel; and so on. This is the older Germanic way of naming the rimes, which was likely upset by Danish and/or Norman influence on English. The folk song Sing a Song of Sixpence shows the older word-order, which goes: Sing a song of sixpence, / A pocket full of rye, / Four and twenty (24) blackbirds / Baked in a pie.

6. Twelve now stands smoothly on its own as the new grounding from which to tell.

7. Twentel. The ten-grounded way has the "-ty" ending, which comes from an older shape of the word "ten". Here "twelve" stands in for ten, so the endfastening is now "-tel", a shortening of "-twelve". The goal is to match "twelve" into how it might have been wildly shaped over time, as "ten/tige" dropped to "-ty", "twelve" dropped here to "-tel".

8. The shapes of two, three, and four when fastened with -tel take the same shape as they did in Tennish, as if the words had grown wildly as English grew old. (Twenty -> Twentel; Thirty -> Thirtel; Forty -> Fortel.)

9. True English words have rubbing withdins such as "f" which are spoken when found between selfdins or left as is between two other withdins. These spellings show how this would work for these rimes, following English speaking ways.

A. "Hundred" comes from "hund" (ten) + "rath" (great telling). The "hund/cent" comes from the same root as "dek/ten". In other words, it's "a great ten", or "ten tens". So, we swap out the word for "ten" here for "twelve", in the same way we did earlier, and we get "Telred" to mean "a great twelve", or "twelve twelves".

B. Instead of the Thousand/Million/Billion/Trillion way that came about a bit oddly, the whole thing has been set from the start so it's much steadier. The name of the rime is told by its order of magnitude. "Thousand" is made of "thou-" (swollen) "-sand" (ten). So again we get a "swollen ten". The names I've chosen are taken from their foot-rimes (one, two...) and "-thou" (to swell).

10. For the below rimes, all one need do is eke the stock English "-th" endfastening, as we already do in words like "hundredth".